Romeo + Juliet: Act 4, Scenes 1-5
Scene 1.
1. Why is Paris at Friar Laurence’s cell?
2. What reason does Paris give the Friar for the hasty marriage?
3. How long will the sleeping potion take effect?
4. Where will Juliet be put after her family believes that she is dead?
5. Who will be waiting in the tomb when Juliet awakens from the sleeping potion?
Scene 2.
6. Who is supervising the preparations for the wedding?
7. What change does Lord Capulet make in the wedding plans?
Scene 3.
8. If the potion does not work, what does Juliet plan to do?
9. What vision makes her have the strength to go ahead...
Scene 4.
10. Scene 4 takes place on what day?
11. How do the Capulets know that Paris is approaching?
12. Who is sent to wake up Juliet?
Scene 5.
13. What does the Nurse find?
14. Who tries to console the Capulets by saying that Juliet is better off in heaven?
15. How do the wedding preparations change after they find Juliet?
16. How does the County Paris react to the death of Juliet?
17. How does Lord Capulet know that she is dead?
18. How does the act end?